Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Gadget with It-Factor - Blackberry

For years now we see celebs talking or writing on this gadget that reminds a bit to a handcalculator - Blackberries.Their main function is receiving and sending mails,but they have also smartphone functions.
A Blackberry or other phone is standing on top of my wishlist.Hopefully someone reads this.I What about you?Do you have one,hate or love them?Tell me!

Ah..maybe I should mention this:At the moment I'm using a old Sagem mobile phone without a color display.Well an oldie but goldie.But I've to say I'm not the kind of person who can't live with a handy anyway it's time for changes.



Anonymous said...

yay! i can give some advice on this one! =) i've had a blackberry 8800 and i now have a red blackberry curve. i'm telling you, once you go full qwerty keyboard you just won't ever be able to go back. blackberry's are pretty user friendly. it didn't take me a long time to learn how to use it. of course the data plans are extra which sucks but it's really convenient having the internet everywhere you go and always getting emails right away. if you do plan on getting a blackberry you'll probably won't be able to put it down for the first month. =) i highly recommend these phones. after i got one everyone in my family got one. my mom, 2 sisters, and brother have or have had one. do it! =)

YVONNE. said...

I am completely addicted to my Blackberry Curve!!
It's amazing for just about everything and really easy to use. It's so light I was totally surprised coming from a Sidekick 3.
And like Farren said the QWERTY keyboard is like heaven :]

I 100% recommend it!!

EvaAmarri said...

After reading those comments it make me want to get one too.

meliindaa. said...

i love blackberries, but my prediction is that it will become less "Trendy" very soon, and that a new phone will come out!

Anonymous said...

more of an iPhone girl, actually reviewing blogs and coomentin from it right now. I love the fact it has real Internet, my boyfriend has blackberry, its not as cute

♥ Marta ♥ said...

I don't really like Blackberry or I phone,it's too big and I don't send e-mail or use internet on the go. Right now I have Motorola pebl and love it, cute,small and functional.As you can tell I'm definitely not a gadget girl, lol :)

Guirec Munier said...

Thank u for ur comment and ur kindness ! Let's exchange links !

See u !

Anonymous said...

ich hab auch ein Blackberry 8100.
find das einfach klasse!
als ich damals in ny war, rannte jeder damit rum und als ich wieder zu hause war, war mir klar: du musst auch so eins haben!
was ich aber auch dazu sagen muss: das "handy" (es ist ja wohl mehr ein kleiner computer) und die meisten funktionen sind eher für geschäftsleute gut und für normale handynutzer eher spielerei bzw. überflüssig.
ich mags aber trotzdem und bin froh das ich mir eins geholt habe ^^

Fashionista Diary said...

i have a bb curve and absolutely love it. i had an old bb before then and i cannot live without my bb. it is so addictive though, no wonder they call it crackberry. everything about a bb is just so easy! get one, i can only recommend it.

KATLIN said...

Ugh, I hate cell phones! My phone is a newer model, but it looks like Nokia's first small phone. But mine's actually really small compared to other phones like the blackberry. And it doesn't even have a camera! I refuse to pay hundreds for a phone when I have a perfectly functioning one, unless someone buys me one! :)

Mimi said...

Wow thanks for those long explications.I heard about it too that's more something for people who are in business so I'm not sure.
Instead I'm thinking of the LG Viewty or Samsung SGH-F480.Something in this style..

Rich Hippie said...

hahaha i think ill stick to my iPhone, the crack berry is to much for me to handle

Boho chic said...

My mobile is also a bit old-fashioned, it is a Nokia 5200:(

Ella Gregory said...

I'm thinking of getting one. Although I don't need one I just like them.

T said...

I want a blackberry too!

Anonymous said...

no problem! i hope i helped out a bit!

NewlyInspired said...

I have one "BB Curve" and LOVE it to pieces!

Angela said...

everyone i know seens to be sporting one around but i just don't know if i really need it though. i feel then we are almost attached at the hip with a communication device.

Siljesfashion said...

Yay, want one!

Secretista said...

I don't know if I'd get blackberry. I'm not into being totally connected to the internet 24/7. I work for a website and I blog and stuff so that's enough. Who needs to check their facebook while their out with their friends?!

Kira Aderne said...

All gadgets are so cool and pretty much expensive! hehe

a kiss!!

Mimi said...

Secretista I guess you are right but sometimes if I see something I just want it!!!

Thu said...

i've never had one, but i wouldn't mind trying one out!

Mimi said...

The one I want is about 450€!
The LG Viewty about 390€!
The samsung ones about 500€!

Oh..well let's ask Daddy.

yiqin; said...

I am using a plain color Nokia phone too! I am not big on phones, I rather spend the money on shoes! =X But, I REALLY LOVE FLIP PHONES!!!!

Lesley said...

I have a friend and my dad who has one, they work fantastically; actually I'm hopping for my dad to upgrade to a newer one so I could have it lol :D

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

My Dad has a Blackberry for work and he loves it, he plays games on it from what I can gather...

karla deras said...

I have a blackberry and I really love it. The best part is the keyboard, no need for T9word anymore. Plus, it allows you to get your emails straight to your phone, I love that!

Mimi said...

Yeah Karla that's why I like it.I'm so bad at writing SMS.Ok my phone doesn't has even t9 but I can't handle it either :D

lara said...

oh as you know I love them, but they are really expensive, i think it is maye a bit too much . I think I will get the LG Viewty, I love this mobilephone, since I've seen it...
I'm not sure if my parents would buy me a blackberry, maybe when I'm older and when I really need it :)

Hannah Bee said...

I've never been all that into checking my emails wherever I go and such, but I think it is a neat gadget!

Guirec Munier said...

I prefer the new HTC !

Thank u for the link and the comment !

See u !

Anonymous said...

I really want an Iphone. I like that you can combine your phone and ipod so you have less to carry around everyday.

Thanks for stopping by my site!

like a fox said...

i have a sweet little pink nokia. im in love with it. i kinda want a blackberry though. they are fairly neat.


I need one as well :-)


Iñaki said...

I can't wait to get mine in red, just like Lauren's. I agree, it's much more than a gadget, it's accessory!


Iñaki said...

You're on my blogroll now!
Cheers! xx

hannah said...

love them. they are really wicked, except that if you want the email and internet you have to pay an extra fee.

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog!
You're on my blogroll now!

I had one, a model was not so expensive but I like it.

Sorry for my poor English, I'm Uruguay.
Good luck, bye.

Doll said...

i love blackberry. i m using the blackberry curve and it is so good. you can type texts real quickly and the screen is so wide. plus u can take HQ photos... i would say GET ONE!!

Anonymous said...

i have a blackberry pearl.
and i LOVE it.

i honestly could not imagine living without it :)

hope that helpeddd.


The girls look so cute toting theirs, but I have the blackjack instead. I always change phones though, so who knows. Lovely comment, by the way. Thank you for it! ^_^ said...

i had a blackberry and i can tell you that one thing for sure is that they're addicting!

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

I have a Blackberry Pearl after resisting the craze for a very long trend. Now that I have it, I see what everyone loves about them. I love it and I will probably never go back. Not even the iPhone makes me want to give up my Blackberry. The world would be a happier place is everyone joined Blackberry Nation. ;)

Samantha Smikle said...

love this blog! thanks for commenting on mine.

I'm getting my own blk berry in sept after being hooked on a company one! so sad that I quit that job cuz i had to give the phone back! hahha

Hatice Erkan said...

oui les velours c'est top.

Anonymous said...

I like BlackBerry Curve 8300 Smartphone which is the smallest and lightest Smartphone with a full QWERTY keyboard. It’s packed with incredible features, including a camera, BlackBerry Maps, a media player, expandable memory, Voice-Activated Dialing, tethered modem and trackball navigation. Plus you get all the core functionality you’ve come to expect in a BlackBerry smart phone — email and text messaging, instant messaging, web browser and advanced phone functionality. It’s your connection to everything that matters.

BlackBerry Accessories