Fur had been really out of fashion. Fashionistas like Kate Moss, Nicole Richie and the Olsens were often spotted wearing fury stuff recently but also in the past. Well maybe fur never had been out but right now it's booming.

Since I'm against killing animals for the purpose of fashion you can guess easily that the vest and jacket I'm wearing in the pics above are not real fur. I got the vest a couple years ago for christmas. It's very warm and cozy but the problem is I'm always feeling kind of strange in it so I didn't wear it often. The black white wanna-be leo jacket next-door is vintage kids wear. I got it last month at a garage sale for only 2€. Just like about the vest I'm also undecided about it and often think it looks a bit trashy. I could see myself wearing the vest in a bohemian way with a bright dress and my Minnetonkas but the leo one... Any idea? Would be very helpful.
And besides what do you think about fur? Is real fur ok or a no-go?
Tell me!
Heyy Mimi wow tolle Seite, echt gelungen!!
Man sieht richtig, wieviel Mühe Du hier reinsteckst.
Ich hoffe Du verstehst deutsch, denn Du schreibst ja auf englisch, kommst jedoch aus Deutschland, wenn ich mich da nicht irre.
Ich würde mich echt freuen wenn Du dich bei mir melden würdest. Zu gerne hätte ich Dir eine e-Mail geschrieben aber leider ging das iwie nicht :S
Hätte da nämlich ein paar Fragen an Dich..
Also bis dann, und weiter so :D
I love faux fur jackets ! I think it transforms a simple outfit in a very fashionable one ! Of course real fur is something horrible !
Your leopard like jacket is really nice ^^ lucky to find it for 2 euros !
I totally agree with you! animals should not be punished for fashion!
thanks for the lovely comments on my blog :)
fake fur ROCKS!
i'm all for faux fur
if it's real, it should be vintage. we can't save animals that were killed years ago :(
i would never buy new fur. i would feel terrible
and as for that vest, i think it's really cute!
the leopard takes the outfit, so whatever you wear w it has to be really simple
love you for not loving real fur. i could never buy or wear real ones. maybe vintage ones, but new ones, i dont think so. plus i always feel weird when i wear my faux ones like you.
you look super sweet mimi.
faux = yes.
i would never wear the real stuff!!!
Echtes Pelz ist nicht ok.
Ich mag Pelz sowieso nicht, es passt vllt zu anderen, aber nicht zu mir :)
I'm against killing animals too, but I think fake furs totally rocks!!!
Great post! :)
I think the vest looks pretty good on u:)
I dont like real fur, I would not buy real fur clothes. But we have some real fur at home - so maybe I will use that and make my own vest or sth. But thoes animal was not killed 4fashion.
I actually just bought this vintage Karakul Lamb Faux Fur cape.
fake fur, but real leather
reasoning? i eat cow, but not fox.
i don't know if i could ever wear fur... even vintage... i'm vegetarian because animals freak me out so i probably would never wear it... lol... i love the olsen's and nicole's style so i really dont mind what they wear...
I don't know why people bother buying real fur when faux fur is cheaper and doesn't cause animals pain.
Thanks for the comment on my blog =]
wow, that's cute. i like the hood of it
I'm kinda of a confused mind about this. On one hand it seems really cruel to wear fur when you can get really good fakes, yet I wouldn't think one second about wearing a purse made of leather or some exotic material. I mean, how can you wear real fur, yet still eat meat, when cows are probably raised in pretty horrible conditions? Isn't even the idea of raising an animal just to eat kind of bad?
I dunno, unless you say you're a vegan, or are for eating meat and wearing fur, then anything in-between is kind of hypocritical.
I would only but vintage real fur because I guess it makes some sense, no? recycling?
anyhow, love your blog!
check out mine!
...yes, I feel sorry for the animals, no more killing & recycle by going vintage ;)
I love the look of fur, so vintage or faux fur are defo the way to go! Plus high quality faux furs look nice and are easier to maintain and clean :)
Firstly Fashion Smoothie I'd like to say that I really like your blog. It's so inspiring, it reflects my own kind of style and it shows that you are very into fashion.
About fur my opinion is not strict. I maybe wouldn't buy new real fur myself but I wouldn't hesitate accepting some vintage piece that sometimes my relatives offer me..
I love them both and you should totally wear them!I would never buy new fur, but old vintage ones are something else. There are so many faux fur choices from chain stores that look great these days, I myself recently picked up a H&M jacket on the trip to LA.
I can't believe after all this time, people are still wearing real fur. It's shameful and there is absolutely no need for it. I'm especially disappointed in Rick Owens making it hip and trendy this season. If people saw what happens to these poor animals they would never want to wear it again. It's sick. (Vintage fur only encourages the problem, since not everyone will be able to find that perfect piece. Does it being vintage make the suffering of the animal disappear? Give me a break.) Thanks for posting this.
Oh I really adore the vest and jacket you're wearing, they look beautiful on you, and I'm glad to hear they're not real fur either! :)
i love fake fur . its pointless buying real, when most of the time the fake alternatives look and feel the same ! (plus they are cheaper) xx
i dont like real fur, i thinks is for old-women. it's so... cruel...
Chimadan de la Jenney:Danke!das ist echt lieb von dir.ich hab dir auch schon zurück gemailt ☺
Isabell:Danke.Ich weiß wirklich nicht ob sie so toll ist aber naja...
Marion Rocks:That's why I bought it even if I was unsure about it.
Miranda:Hm..I think I wouldn't wear it anyway because I don't support it at all even if it happened in the past.We own a vintage rabbit fur coat but I would never never wear it cause i'd feel also terrible.Yep I think simplicity does it in this case or it would look a bit cheap.
ModeJunkie:Strange isn't it?!I feel like everyone's watching me and thinks "MURDER!"
wow ich liebe das leopelz-jäckchen!!
I have no problem with fur. To kill an animal for its fur is cruel, but so is killing one to make a burger... I do think that if one is going to wear real fur it's best to go with vintage though.
Lucky finds! I need more (faux) fur. Maybe it makes me a bad person but I just love how it looks.
aww love you hun for still coming to blog, even if i havent posted a daily outfit pic for like ages!!!
Yvonne:Das denk ich auch oft,aber ich denke man kann es versuchen.
Siska:Fur in general or real fur?
Ingvild Marie:We do too but I couldn't wear it.
Wendy:sounds good.can't wait to see it
Mary:I know what you mean.I really dislike wearing real leather stuff but sometimes you can't avoid it (f.e. in boots.I used to be a vege but unfortunately I got ill.
frankie-lou and tallulah:I like their looks too but I don't like the material.
Maddi:Same here.There are so many good fake furs that look real.
MizzJ:I'm unsure if I understood everything you wrote.Are you talking about eating meat but beeing against fur?
El Notable:Thanks.I guess I couldn't.
Dapper Kid:Totally agreed with 2nd point.
cherie:Thanks dearest.
Siljesfashion:Yeah I saw thousands fake fur designs lately too for not much money.
mymilkglassheart:No even if it's vintage it's not ok I'd say.
seralouise:You're totally right.
CapuccionoB.:YOur comment made me think on an old lady I used to know who wore all winter long a real fur hat.a dead animal on your head?yukk!
STARR:If it's just faux fur you're still a lovely person Starr ☺
Rich Hippie:You're welcome dear.
I agree with miranda. i would never buy new fur, however i don't see a problem buying a vintage one because it's there anyway, whether it's hanging in your closet or someone elses...
Mimi this is super cool, as my new post is on fake fur. I love your faux fur pieces hon!
I am totally agaisnt fur. I can't believe this people can wear fur knowing what is done to animals !
My mom still has coats with big pieces of real fur but she stopped wearing them now, she understands that it is wrong ;)
i love a good fake fur, i think there is a site that sells faux exclusively. ask google :) love that photo of kate.
you look great!! i love faux fur, great post! faux fur all the way hehe xx
wow. i love the look of fur, it is so chic. but i really cant stand the feel. it makes me think of petting a dog or something, so i prefer the faux.
I absolutely adored Kate Moss's fur coat! I guess for the matter about real fur or faux; I'm very much neutral. I could do with either although the real deal doesnt hurt!
However; a fur bag and Rihanna's coat are just roadkill~
Nice job! Love your look and the photo inspirations, esp. Kate Moss! I adore fur, faux or real. So chic!
And even though you don't have Halloween in Germany, you could totally have a costume party with your friends!!
Du siehst toll aus in den Leo-Jäckchen! Ich finde so eine Jacke(bzw. Pelz allgemein) immer toll im Kontrast zum restlichen Outfit z.B. zum schwarzen Kleidchen und Biker-Boots, ausgewaschene Jeans und langes T-shirt usw.("nicht Madamig" werden wenn du verstehst was ich meine)!
Ansonsten wollte ich dir noch sagen das dein Blog toll ist! Love it!
P.S. Danke für den netten Komentar
I would never wear real fur. Also I don't think Jessica Simpson is in fur (fake or not) in that picture. But I do really like the print.
I like your looks.
I love fur, but for me, only fake :)
a kiss!
I usually buy fake, but i think vintage fur is ok to buy...
Dana from shopaholicsite.com
Im a little torn actually.. I often think that fur (faux or real) is not attractive.. however, in the photos of you that you posted.. I think they look nice.. specially the leopard one.. :-)
I love the look of real fur, but I think fake fur is getting more realistic these days and thats a plus because we get to save sweet little animals lives :)
faux fur forever!!!
i don't like fur, even if it's fake or not. i hate the thought of animals beeing killed, and I don't even think that it looks good
I don't have any fur pieces but I'd go for either one.. whatever works. I think your fur pieces work really well.
love it!! i'd go for fake.. unless it's vintage..
I like her costume.
I hate price.
site: http://www.handbagsdealer.com
i dunno whats ok anymore...maybe fur is ok,i dunno. cos if i criticize fur wearers,then i criticize me..i eat beef and chicken and fish. these animals are killed for my consumption..yah. so, im as wrong as a fur wearer(cos its all killing animals)..i'd rather see fake fur often tho...buh if u wear real fur, watchout for PETA!
mhh fur is a bit of a weird one.. i love fur.. for some reason i believe that vintage fur is ok to wear.. weird opinion, thats what a lot of my friends think. good thing is i am allergic to fur, so i can only ever wear the fake!!! xo
I really like how fur looks for the most part... but being a vegan I hate the fur industry, and I'd never wear fur myself. Your leopard jacket looks sweet.
hooray for your faux fur!
You look very cool.
I want to wear a wild fur coat but it is almost summer here
I love fur! But fake. =)
Real fur is fine in my books, so long as it's vintage. I like the leopard print coat of yours!
Honestly, even fake fur grosses me out.
Real fur is just cruel.
faux fur. Real fur wld be like wearing your dog around your neck.
I'm definatly for faux. Animal cruelty is so upsetting and unnecessary. You look lovely in yours!
Faux!! Is it something I hate in the fashion industry, it's definitely fur!
interesting article.
did you see the protests that were taking place outside mka book signing regarding their love of fur.
those girls love their fur.
hello MiMi..this is my 1st time posting comment here..i objected on those who kill animal to get fur for beauty purpose like what u said..i did like furry stuff,but..i will not support on the real 1,i rather buy a faux fur..girls can wear many others kind of clothes..why must support on killing animals to get fur??try to imagine how hurt it is when your skin pare by others..animal hurt too..
nice jacket love it
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