Salut mes amis.Comment ça va?J'espère que tout est bien!I guess now it's time to change to english before I embarrass myself.This morning I woke up by the loud rain and it didn't change the entire day.Bad weather means beeing in a bad mood for me.Yesterday finally my Minnetonkas arrived and I was so happy that I wore them all day long at home.They are definately not the best boots for rainy days so I decided to spare them.Hopefully tomorrow it will be much better.I wish I could say at least Paris FW could cheer me up but the shows did not at all.I'm fairly disappointed so there's no real favorite.Antonio Berardi and Christian Dior just scrape through. Maison Martin Margiela just shocked me.I was so scared by some of the looks that I felt like I was in a nightmare. Vivienne Westwood is always a bit too special and freaky for me but today there were at least two nice dresses I'd wear.
Just me or were you guys disappointed as well?
I'm off to learn for a english class test.Please don't mind me if I won't post anything tomorrow because next day there's a math test.I hope you wish me luck for both because last time in latin it helped me a lot:I got a 1 (maybe better known as an 'A' ☺).
Thanks for this again ♥.
Catch you in a few day hopefully in a better mood, something new and better from Paris.

I enjoy this fashion week.
new on my blog
I really like the red dress in Antonio's collection! Dior wasn't working for me though..
i love that giant white belt, it is sickkk.
I love Berardi's style. About Dior's style I don't speak because it is always wonderful.When you can, visit my blog to give me your opinion about my creations.Kisses
good luck with your maths test!
i was also disappointed.
i was just reading about undercover.
i think there will be more focus on new designers than the prestigious ones.
I like the stuff from the Dior show.
Good luck on your tests.
vivienne is pretty scary for me too. but i quite like dior, it's not the best but i agree it "scraped through"
Fashion shows these days is more than the designers' pieces. Everything about the show is so orchestrated. I think your description of Margiela's as 'something out of a nightmare' is very spot-on! But that makes it that more amazing! Have you seen some of Alexander McQueens shows'? He does a similar thing and by gosh they;re amazing!
The other designers a very good too. So i should be looking out for headscarfs, stramlined garments, nude colours, interesting zany pattersns and embellishes and uh... white? haha
hello, good luck for your maths test!
anyway, rainy weather puts me in a foul mood too. bleah. great that you got your rain boots! i should get a pair too.
do upload pics of your new shoes!
I definitely hope your mood improves! If it helps, we get hot water from solar power...on rainy days (when you want a hot shower) we don't have hot water. :( Not cool.
I love the collection of Vivienne Westwood the last dress is my favorite!
and I hate that bad weather!!!
Oh ja, hier hats heute auch aus Eimern gegossen. Und der Strum war so dolle, dass der Fernseher 2 Stunden lang nicht ging. Toll. Und das, wo ich doch krank bin und den ganzen Vormittag Zeit hatte, mir dern größten Scheiß im deutschen Fernsehen anzuschauen :D
cool selection of shows. yep i posted about margiela too.. shocking is not the word! i think all looks are more like cousin itt... rumour on the street is that margiela will be leaving the "house" and raf simons will be taking over??? interesting news or what xo
You are so sweet. Thank you for the lovely comment. :)
Here's hoping you are having an ultra fabulous day today, dear!!
xo/ fashion chalet
PS: You make the best collection of the shows, loving the updates! ;)
xo/ fashion chalet
v. very good recap of pfw. my favourite would have to be Antonio Berardi. www.thedailyalygator.blogspot.com
Yes, it's a very good recap!Nice blog!
Really nice blog ! :)
Good luck with the test :) I quite liked Dior and Undercover was pretty nice.
good observations!
I agree. I prefer the yellow dress from Dior.
Dior and Antonio Berardi were my fav ones of these, at least the photos you have posted (I hadn't seen the complete collections yet).
I also like a lot these dresses by Vivienne Westwood ^^
Margiela was like a nightmare :S ugly in my opinion!
love the dior!!! all the best with your test!!!
:) xoxo
I actually love Vivienne Westwood, but Maison Martin Margiela (if I'm looking at this correctly) feels a little too bondage-esque for my taste.
I love the Dior collection
On the contrary, I actually liked many of the shows. hehe. Margiela, for one, really put on a SHOW.. true to the house style.. although, the photos were tad bit too creepy-- i agree. lol.
Undercover's collection seemed very vintage and from a completely different century. Loved it.
Good luck with your test, Mimi.
Undercover is fantastic but I'm 'hearting' the multistrap sandals from westwood. Aren't they cool!
Great fashion week coverage! I actually really like the Vivienne Westwood line, it's very chic and interesting. Thanks for visiting my blog btw! Do you want to exchange links?
Maison Martin Margiela's collection and over all look is... "interesting".
Good Luck
I love Antonio Berardi he's amazing
love the collection of Christian Dior!
realy love your blog. wanna trade links ?
the yellow dress is lovely:)
nice blog, i really like it!
good luck with your test!if you had an A in latin it means a lot, i know how bad I was on it:))
so math shouldn't be a problem if you solve the enigma in latin:))
take care and smile:)
Love the yellow Dior!! And always Vivienne...
Love your blog, and I would really appreciate to trade links!!
PS: Tx for your sweet sweet comment
i love Antonio Berardi's collection!!
I actually like Margiela's look ....esp that floor length dress! good luck on the test missie =)
undercover is magical looking!
thanks for stopping by my blog. come visit anytime. link exchange?
i loveddd undercover. i did a post on it a couple of days ago. i thought all the different ways to wear the same basic colour of white was genius.
LOVE LOVE LOVE. There is so much in Paris I would just kill to wear!
the dior show seems out of this world extreme!
thanks Mimi! good choices!
I´ve only looked through the Balmain show so far, and I loved that! But the rest... I don´t know yet.
lev_I_mote:Yes I know this belt is fantastic and the dress too.
yiqin:I agree the dress was totally beautiful.I remember when I was younger so many people told me 'red and pink - that doesn't work' but see it does in a fantastic way.
sydneydoll:Yeah could be.honestly i didn't know quite a few of the designers who presented their stuff so far.
ashleigh:yep for dior it was definately not good!
Eelie:Unfortunately I didn't see AlexMq so far but later i'll when I prepare the 3rd part of the fashion week.at margiela it seemed just akward to me.and yes definately go for white always the right choice :)
ms_parkles:haha i guess you missundertsood me dear.i got minnetonkas but they are none good for rain.though i'll post them when i stop learning.
fashionistadiary:no idea.i don't know much about margiela.
fashion chalet:Oh thanks.I don't think so there are so many great ones which look much more professional.
Doriz Jeltzin:I liked this dress too.it's kind of 'good-mood-sunny-weather'-dress so exactly what i need.
nemerae:totally agreed about the nightmare thing!
valentine:good to hear that at least one person did ☺
wendy:thought so too about the collection.it wasn't that bad buit not that special.
songy:you're right they look cool but did you see many of the models nearly lost them.
chuckles:interesting is the right word ☺
ashleigh:couldit be that you mean undercover?
coco:haha i know these feelings. come on let's mag a plan!
ugh the dior KILLS!
you're linked back. :)
i like that westwood is more commercial sence she is with diesel group. but i can not say that dior show was spectacular for me...
Omg. I love Dior! :)
Hey hon. I can't believe you do latin! I do latin as well except i'm struggling so much i'm not sure it's worth it anymore. French sounds beautiful though. Great choices from paris fashion week too!
Great spotting dear )))
Thanks for this amazing coverage!
Hugs from Angel.
Dior has once disappointed me. well, i have tried not to lay any hope on Galliano's work anymore.
But Yohji's collection has highly amused by me as always. :)
Yohji Yamamotos collection was amazing.
I love the Red and Blue dress's I really want one!
i enjoyed this fashion week. I adored both the Westwood collection and the Maison Martin Margiela. Both are revolutionary.
Love your posts dear
yves saint laurent collection...
...i need it. all of it.
cordie xx
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